Best Money Saving Tips
Always shop on Paytm mall it will give you discounts plus cash backs. If you are an iPhone user Make sure you go to Icentre and ask them to change the battery within one year warranty. Don’t buy 200 Rs iPhone’s charger. You will end up buying a charger every month thereby costing much more than the original charger. Always buy chocolates , chips and beverages from D MART. Mobikwik super cash is the biggest scam. Use magicpin to get cashback on all the stores you visit. Never fall for brand factory coupon offers. Mostly it will be valid for a month and that too 200 off on 500 bucks. Buy Zomato gold to get one on one on food and 2 on 2 in drinks. Don’t login on multiple devices but when your friend need it redeem it and record the screen and send it to them. Amazon prime is totally worth the money. Open a demat account at zerodha. They won’t charge brokerage on delivery of securities. If you are opening a SIP go to the AMC website and open there rather than going through brokers be...