Read Once Think Twice Apply Thrice
1. My mom always tell me " don't ever let someone else goals and dreams influence your vision of life" Don't let people judgement stray from the path you have chosen. walk your own path since you are the one to decide where you are going and how long it will take. people will speak bullshit and you will have to walk away and continue the journey. 2. My Dad always says that "forgiveness always benefits two people: the giver and the receiver, people do lot of bad things that sometimes you can't forgive them but remember you can but you just don't chose to if you want to lighten the burden you will have to forgive and move on and see what good it does. 3. Don't take anything or anyone for granted 4. your worth is not decide by how people treat you but by how you treat yourself. 5. Lastly if you can't laugh at one joke multiple times then why do you cry about the same problem again & again.