Some things you realize as you get older ....................!!!!


  • Don't just to kind towards others, be kind towards yourself.
  • Speak up for yourself, or people never know.
  • Rejection is important for self-development.
  • It's okay if you don't know everything.
  • Take mistakes as friends, love and learn from them.
  • No matter how evident it may be, it's better to be upfront with your feelings instead of expecting someone to just know what's wrong.
  • Love yourself more. Don't hurt yourself for someone else.
  • Learn to work with what you have got instead of complaining.
  • Don't deprive your loved ones of hope.
  • Not everyone has the same heart as you.
  • It's good to be serious sometimes.
  • Invest in yourself and never stop learning.
  • Enjoy experience more than materials.
  • Be true to your feelings and not be afraid of expressing them.
  • Talk less, listen more and let other people shine.
  • Make people around you feel good, in the simplest and most loving way.
  • Stop to find any excuses and deal with the problem.
  • Take the time to relearn what makes you feel alive and do more of that.
  • Listen more than you talk and ask great questions.
  • Find something that you are am passionate about and challenge yourself to do it.
  • Cherish friends who are always there when you need them
  • The only consistent thing in life is change.
  • Time is precious. Say ‘no' to people who waste your time.


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