What is the best financial advice for young people?
Advice that anyone can take. You can take these advises even if you are 70 of just 17.
Don’t invest in Materialistic flashy things
Car: Don’t spend more that 10% of your income on your car , its never gonna add more money to your bank account . Don’t invest even if you have loads of money
Mobile: Times have changed , no one really cares what phone you use . If you have friends who intrigue into buying expensive phone , you probably need to change friends.
Parties: Alcohol and cigarettes are expensive and does no good to anyone . Wanna have fun , just go for a trip instead of parties , trips are worthier .
Online shopping : When you have to buy something , just go and buy only that thing , don’t peek into things you are not gonna buy .
Savings : Spend what you have after saving and not the other way round.
Mutual funds : Invest regularly
Stocks: Invest but not before having knowledge.
Properties : Invest when you need it the most.
Invest in Intellectual properties: When you have an Idea stay day and night on the idea and make sure the idea also generates money repetitively over time over years .
Never underestimate Inflation : Make sure you stay Financially prepare for the worst days of your life.
Plan your retirement : Irrespective of what age you are , Plan your retirement right away . Do not rely on kids as you can see inflation taking its toll over time, your assumptions from today are not gonna prove viable when you actually retire.
Invest in Assets : Don’t invest your money and your time into things that do not have stability and have high maintenance cost . I'll tell you the difference . Suppose you buy a house for 100,000 and decide to just keep it for future use, you'll still have to pay basic maintenance and paintings and other side expenditures . Now if you just rent your home right away , you would just start getting returns right away . Reinvest the money into something else and you'll see that by a few dawns you'll have multiple assets generating revenue for you passively , at some point of time you passive income will surpass your active one and you can live life easily.
Don’t Aim for money , aim for financial independence : The main goal here is to understand how money works and make money work for you and not the other way round
CP: Quora[Credits]
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