In which SIP should I invest? What are some good mutual funds?

First you have to know the some basic terms:-

EQUITY MUTUAL FUNDS:- means basket of stocks, which is managed by well qualified funds manager for their management you have to pay some fees, which are called as expense ratio..

you can invest into mutual funds via two mode which are as:-

in sip, you. can invest your money on regularly, fortnightly and monthly basis
in lumpsum, you can invest your money in one time..

i recommend you, before doing investment, below mentioned points you have to clear:-
A. know your risk apatite
B. decide your investment as per your risk profile
C. clear your goals, as per your investment
D. are you willing to take risk for more return

historically seen that if you stay more than 7yrs, there are 99% chance that you will get positive return over a period of time…
but seen that more than 50% people take out his money form mutual funds, before one year, reason is that he come to get quick return,… but he forget that investment into mutual funds, is like a bamboo trees…

if your investment tenure is 20yrs, which are considered as long term investing…
go for mid cap, flexi cap and small cap.. keep your portfolio as simple as…don't go for multiple funds, through this there are high chance of overlapping and expense ratio( high paid)…

this is not a recommendation,, below mentioned funds are, I feel that this is good for us, I also heavily invested into this…
A. nippon india small cap funds
B. pgim india mid cap funds
C. paragh parikh flexi cap funds

by investment into above mutual funds, you will get 15–18% per annum return over a 20yrs of investment…

  • if you make a sip of Rs 15k per annum over a period of 20yrs and get 18% return.. lets see the results
    invested amount:- Rs 36 lakh
    tenure:- 20yrs
    return:- 18%
  • final corpus:- Rs 3.51 Cr
    this final corpus is not inflation adjusted

you can see that by investment of 15k per month for 20yrs, you get Rs 3.51Cr…

the mutual funds displayed into this blog is not  any type of recommendation… before doing any investment do your own research… or consult to your financial advisor..

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you can reach out to me for any type of financial assistance…via email..


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