Types of students in class.

  • Hardware-God

These student is obsessed with all kinds of Graphic Cards, Rams, Hard-Disks, Processors, Iot stuff at their home and often show off with their Amazing creations. Btw, this guy also hates programming and often copy programs from Stack overflow, Google,etc.

  • Linux-Fan

This student is a huge Windows hater and is using a Linux Distribution that nobody has even heard of. Just say “Linux is Tarsh” in front of this guy and he will surely blow you up with a Naplam Bomb.

  • Hacker-Guy

This student is a 100% introvert and often comes in class wearing dark hoodies. This guy has passwords to all WiFi's in the college.

  • Out-of-the-World-Guy

This guy is the star of the class. He is 5 years ahead of the class already learning Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc. He doesn't study for exams but still tops in the class. End of the day, he is roaming in the class with a wide smile on his face.

  • Social-Media-Star

This student is active on all social medias like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc…. And 100 more. This guy makes a new post to his account every day!!

  • Software-God

This student is only great in everything related to software. Where others have difficulty learning 2 programming languages, this student has already learnt 10 languages.

  • Privacy-Means-Privacy Guy

Nobody knows what FBI secret is hidden in this students phone and laptop. He has a 50 character long character for most of his accounts.

  • Maths-Hater

This guy believes that computer science is not related to maths. When a subject related to Maths is to be taught, he is often seen sleeping.

  • I-Want-A-Job Guy

This student has seen Life-at-Google, Life-at-Facebook videos on YouTube and is only looking forward to get a job in a MNC.

  • Aimless-Guy

This student suffers the most in the class. He didn't know what to do and so he took Computer Science in college.

  • Entrepreneur-Guy

This guy is different from others and keeps big dreams. He has a plan to establish his own empire in IT sector. This guy hates the Passive-Income-Obessed student the most.

  • Passive-Income-Obessed

This guy is one step ahead of Entrepreneur-Guy and is already earning 10000$ a month with his YouTube Channel, Blog, Ebooks, Drop shipping buisness, Apps on Stores, etc.

Take Computer Science, you will love it…♥️♥️


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